McFatty Monday & Miss. Motivation

Posted by Lacey on 7:55 AM in ,
I love to read different Mommy/Family Blogs. They can be funny, heartwarming, heart breaking, and eye opening. One of my favorites is Heir to Blair. She is a fantastic writer and is always a great read. (If you don't know who she is, get over there NOW!) She started a segment McFatty Monday earlier this year to try and drop her baby weight. I'm now deciding to join to "The Blair Bandwagon". (Don't worry, if she starts to offer us all Kool-Aid, I promise to turn my jiggly butt around and run)

It was reading about her and others journey helped give me some motivation in the beginning to get my butt in gear. Although I haven't been blogging about it, (because lets face it, I haven't been really blogging much... but that is changing)I have successfully lost 26.8lbs. I was doing really well for the first few months but when I was dealing with milk supply issues I decided to cut back on the weight loss to try and get my milk supply back up. Unfortunately that was a total FAIL. We have since had to start weaning far earlier than I wanted. But that is a different post...

Since we have started weaning, I decided that I needed to get back on track. With my motivation totally lacking and being completely unable to find her... Trust me I've looked. (she's not in the closet, under the bed, in one of the many boxes that I've been packing, Ooh... I have not looked in-between the seats of my car tho, that place really likes to eat my phone so ya never know...) but seriously, I NEED MY MOTIVATION BACK, where ever she may be hiding.

I'm hoping that if I start writing about it weekly, making myself accountable (the whole point of McFatty Monday) that Miss. Motivation will find her way back.

I have been setting small goals for myself as I have been going along. Currently I have 23.2lbs to go before I reach my first big goal of losing 50 lbs. Which seemed completely unattainable at the start but now that I'm on the back half of that goal, I know I can do it. It is just a matter of finding that darn motivation to get my butt on the elliptical...

Goals for this week:
*Workout 4 days
*lose 3.4 lbs (I really want to be able to say I have less than 20 lbs to go!!)



Yay for your first McFatty week! I'm pretty new to the whole thing too and trust me, the support and tips from the other women out there has been awesome! Good luck this week :)

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