McFatty Monday... Week 2

Posted by Lacey on 3:37 PM in
So... Talk about holding yourself accountable. Which is why I decided to start writing a McFatty Monday post. I wanted to get back on track with my weight loss, gain some motivation, and hold myself accountable for completely over indulging. This post is making me do just that. I had a wonderful weekend with family and friends, I am just frustrated that I made such poor food choices.

I did great all week with watching what I was eating, portion control, and no late night snacking. Then came Friday... (Oh, Friday... How I love thee!) After an "OMFG" kind of day at work. My self and one of my girlie's went out on the town. We had a great time and probably a few too many.

Saturday was The Hubby's family reunion. I again had no self control. In my defence, I'm a sucker for pasta/summer/cold salads. I just can't resist. I there were like... 10 of them! So after a spoon full of this one and that one, and seconds I my favorites... OK I have absolutely no will power. I admit it. (note to self: 'Work. on. will. power.') I was like a bazillion calories in. So whats a piece of dessert on top of it?

Then Sunday rolled around. The Hubby and I had a very productive day of packing and playing with the boy. We then decided to go to dinner. Did I make the right choice? Choose the chicken and steamed veggies or some kind of equivalent? NOPE. Not a chance. Instead of making a good choice from the healthy part of the menu, I went straight for the burger and fries, and ate all of it. OH, and I totally dipped my fries in bleu cheese dressing. (and you thought it couldn't get any worse)

So after much consideration I feel that we should make "McFatty Monday", "Fatass Friday" I would do SO much better. I can work so hard all week and then the weekend comes and I just lose all will power to keep making the right choices.

On the plus side, I did really well last week with meeting my workout goal. I got all of my four workouts in. I was doing 30 minutes on the elliptical and then doing abs, arms, and stretching afterwards. This week I'm going to try and do a bit more though.

Weight lost this week: 1.2 lbs
Total weight lost: 28 lbs

*Workout 5 times this week
*Increase the length of my workouts
*Lose 2.2 lbs (I'm SOOOO close to having lost 30 lbs!!!)



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